10 Tips to Save Money - Before Buying Those Nice Shoes

Finally got my hands on these babies! This week I’ve tried to compile a list of thoughts I run through when spending a little more than hoped for...

Image from my Instagram, @IZZYSMITHH

I can never justify spending ridiculous amounts of money on everyday clothes, something that’ll get ruined and washed a lot. I also can’t justify spending too much on something I will only wear once. These shoes sit right in the centre for me! 

If you’re looking at buying, or on the fence about something a little out of your usual price range, here are my steps to deciding whether you need the item, or just want it. The difference matters, especially if you’re trying to save money!

  1. I’ll use these shoes as an example. Save the item (If it’s online) in your bookmarks inside a folder named “Wish List”
  2. Search other outlets, eBay, local buy and sell Facebook pages, high end clothing Facebook pages, gumtree, google the name/style/brand and search for the item on other websites. You may find it on sale, or be able to use a discount code. Many sites reward newsletter subscribers with a joining discount code of 10%-20%! Looking in store may also be an option.
  3. It’s also super important to consider whether these match with more that 5+ outfits in your wardrobe, whether the colours are easily matched and whether the shoe looks comfortable and easily worn casually as well as formally. Having manipulative items in your wardrobe can save you an incredible amount of money, I underestimated this myself. I find it it much easier to own basic good quality clothing items and a few expensive items. Majority should be classic, some should be statements. This way, you can re-wear these items without being an outfit repeater. (Also you’ll be getting your moneys worth if you can wear the item more than once!!)
  4. If you can’t manage to get the shoes any cheaper, try not to think about the shoes for a while. Don’t visit the website or look at the sites Instagram. Block them out of your mind! You’ll still be thinking about them in a months time if they really appeal to you. If you’ve forgotten about them, then perhaps it was a good idea to avoid any impulsive buying.
  5. If you’re still thinking about the shoes two or more weeks later, then begin to consider where they might fit into your budget. I personally wait about 4-6 weeks!
  6. Figure out a strategy. If you’re paid weekly, decide to put away $20 or $40 each week into an online only bank account (Most branches have these!) or into a PayPal account. If you’re payed fortnightly, maybe $50 per pay. Depending on what you’re earning and what you can factor in to expenses you already have! Try and save this every week, a small amount of money each week is going to have less of an impact on your bank account than a lump sum all in one go! If you earn a little more than usual one week, reward yourself by putting a slightly larger figure into this savings/PayPal account. If you normally save $20 a week/fortnight, save $40.
  7. You can easily save a small amount each week by cutting out a magazine and a drink you might buy on your way to work. Buying a cheaper shampoo for that month or reducing the amount in a wash so you won’t have to buy a new bottle soon! Avoid getting nails re-done as soon as they start to grow out, don’t buy a new outfit for the weekend and pair a skirt and top together that you haven’t paired together before, buy one less drink when you’re out (It totals up so fast!), take a packed lunch to work, stretch your makeup out longer than usual by only applying it when you need to.
  8. Stretching everything a little further is worth it when you’re trying to reach an end goal. I’m not saying to do this all the time. Of course it is important to treat yourself, but it helps to think about the little things when you feel like your money is flying out the door!
  9. At this stage, you’ve been looking closely at your expenses and saving weekly for something you desperately want. You’ve reached the goal amount of savings in this PayPal account and you’re about to purchase the shoes, stop and think once more. This part always gets me. Looking at the savings sum, it may be $200, $300... Imagine transferring that back into a high interest savings account, imagine earning money on these savings. You could put this towards a new car, getting something fixed around the house/apartment, paying off tuition/university, putting it towards booking a well deserved holiday (You can fly to bali for that price!), creating a capsule wardrobe and buying several pieces of clothing for the price of one pair of shoes...
  10. Still want them after those thoughts? Get them.

That’s exactly what I did, I bought these on eBay for about $70 less than the RRP. I waited for the listing to re-list and by that time I felt I could buy these without impacting my savings too much. I’ve had my eye on these shoes since last year and finding them $70 cheaper seemed like a gift from the gods. Though they were still expensive, I feel as though I can justify it with myself after going through all of my steps above.

Plus they’re black and white comfortable heels... Impossible to go wrong! 

If you’re looking for these shoes, they’re available HERE, some are even on sale! (Riley IV)